For trainees

Our training philosophy

The profession of dental technician is very dynamic and multi-facetted and offers various products in which one can specialise later. The face of the profession is changing more and more thanks to digitalisation. So today it is not only important to have a good sense of form, the applicant should also be creative and patient.

Training is very well-organised at Zahntechnik Berlin Ehlert GmbH.

There is always a person for the trainees to talk to, someone who is responsible for training. The high level of training is shaped by supervision from several Master Dental Technicians. This assures that trainees are really exposed to all technologies that this great profession has to offer. The dental technician of the future will not only manufacture the large number of products manually, but also digitally on the computer.

This is what makes Zahntechnik Berlin Ehlert GmbH so special

We are a young team that works well together. Very good work only comes about when you feel comfortable at your workplace. in a relaxed and open atmosphere, we make sure that a pleasant business climate is maintained. Fun at work must not be neglected either! There is a good exchange of experience among us, and we are always ready to help and support each other. Mutual appreciation is especially important to us. Our company wants to be among the best. Which is why we train so hard!


What Zahntechnik Berlin Ehlert GmbH stands for

We love working with people and striving to identify their needs. We live out our profession diligently, passionately, with dedication and joy. You can only be a dental technician if you put your whole heart into it. Once you have mastered the business, it is a lot of fun and joy to give people a beautiful smile again. We always have new ideas when it comes to increasing the variety and quality of our products. The reason is probably that we make our products with a lot of dedication and passion.


“We live the future”.

Zahntechnik Berlin Ehlert GmbH stands for innovation and modern technology and demanding dental technology. The laboratory is equipped with the newest digital technology, so that the whole production chain can be implemented in-house. We face new challenges, initiate adequate measures and implement them meticulously. This ensures guaranteed sustainability. Today and in the future.



“Dental technicians have a wide variety of options for training.” One option, for example, is to put in a few years work after the master’s certificate examination, and possibly open up your own business. Further training as a specialist and business manager is also possible. Or you can round off your training with a study of teaching and become a vocational school teacher. Master Dental Technicians and graduates of college preparatory secondary institutions can study dentistry or dental technology.


Beautiful teeth – your visiting card!

Flawless smiles, speaking and chewing without problems – these are things that cannot be limited to any specific age. A radiant smile goes down particularly well with beautiful teeth. Whether in the job interview, the tough negotiation or brief flirting, a radiant smile is always a winner.


Apply firmly

So, are interested in dental technology?

This is how it could work with an apprenticeship at Zahntechnik Berlin Ehlert GmbH:

First, every candidate has to pass an aptitude test. This is important for determining if you really can and want to become a dental technician. Dexterity, patience, sense of form and logical thinking are all tested. If the required amount of talent is shown in the test, nothing else stands in the way of your signing an apprenticeship contract.

So, now you can apply! We look forward to receiving your application!

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